Goal :
Destroy all the other spaceships or avoid all bullets and became the last survivor in the round to win +1 point.
Total scoring to win a game could be setup between 1 to 15 in the main menu
Main Menu :
Use your mouse to set up parameters of your game and press play.
You could control your spaceship in the main menu and if your destroy your spaceship on the button play or quit it will be same than press it with your mouse.
If all spaceships are destroyed they will respawn directly.
Controllers :
Keyboard (2 Players Max):
Player 1 :
W —> Boost
A —> Turn left
D —> Turn right
Space —> Shoot
Player 2 :
Up —> Boost
Left —> Turn left
Right —> Turn right
Enter —> Shoot
Gamepads (4 Players Max) :
Cross —> Boost
D-Pad Left Arrow —> Turn left
D-Pad Right Arrow —> Turn right
Square or R1 —> Shoot

Description :
First Godot game - Asteroids versus shooter
available for free on Itch.io